The walk takes place from June 22nd to 30th June, starting in Southwold (in Suffolk) via Cambridge and ending at our offices at Wrest Park Enterprise Centre in Silsoe . Dawn will be walking 100 miles from start to finish with an overall target to raise at least £5,000.
This will be a huge physical challenge for Dawn. This is clearly a big target, so Dawn will need as much help as possible to achieve that. So if you want to help us, please sponsor or we are looking for supporters to join the expedition on different legs of the journey.
CHUMS and Dawn are really passionate about showing young people that they must never give up.
Dawn: "If I can get fit and walk from Southwold to Silsoe, then they can achieve things in their lives they never thought they could. I won't be able to achieve this alone but by getting the right support from the right people and being determined to succeed, anything is possible."