Found by a member of the public taped up in a wet cardboard box in Victoria Park, East London, Luke and Skywalker arrived at the clinic, underweight, covered in fleas, scared and hungry.
We were horrified to discover both kittens had suffered appalling injuries. Skywalkerwas barely able to walk and X rays revealed he had suffered a spinal injury.
Luke suffered terrible injuries, both pads and all the toes on his backfeet and the end of his tail were severed. We do not know what caused these injuries. All the wounds were infected, but despite the pain these kittens were in they purred and wanted cuddles straight away.
Our vets immediately started pain relief and cleaned and dressed Luke's wounds. Both kittens now face a long period of rehabilitation, Skywalker will need physiotherapy to improve his coordination and Luke will need multiple surgeries and physiotherapy to provide him with functional feet and to enable him to walk without pain.