We are working with Aldeburgh Town Council and local residents to fight a contentious housing development in the heart of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) adjacent to the River Alde which would be visible from the river. This proposed development by MS Oakes Ltd for 43 homes in a site bordering the former Reades Brickworks could set a dangerous precedent for other potential building sites in and around the coastal town. The area has acknowledged environmental sensitivities; in addition to being located within an AONB, it contains a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) next to a designated Ramsar area. (The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.)
Aldeburgh Town Council, the Aldeburgh Society and a group of residents have pledged funds to fight this development off Saxmundham Road at a Public Inquiry scheduled to begin at the Community Centre in Aldeburgh on 11 September 2018, lasting for approximately six days. This campaign is being launched to help pay for legal representation at this Inquiry. Your donation, no matter how small is vital.
The Mayor of Aldeburgh, Cllr John Digby said ‘Aldeburgh Town Council and SCDC turned down this development for very good reasons. Make no mistake, the result of this inquiry could have serious ramifications for the town and the extended Heritage Coast.’ His view was echoed by Katherine Mackie, Chair of the Aldeburgh Society, who commented ‘If a property developer is allowed to build on this greenfield site, in an AONB, then a precedent will have been established and other sites in Aldeburgh and beyond could be at risk. We must fight to prevent this unwanted development.’
Submissions in relation to this planning application DC/15/3673/FUL and subsequent appeal APP/J3530/W/17/3172629 can be found on the SCDC Planning Portal.