This Summer has been so busy, with 3 new families in the last 2 weeks alone & lots of fundraisers. It can be really hard at times & a bit of a balancing game. This often means late visits & not getting back home till early hours.
Yesterday was a hard day. Our Children in Need application had recently been rejected, so much time & effort had been put into it that we were a little shocked. There are simply too many charities requesting funds.
And so I found myself staring at the accounts & worrying that we may soon find ourselves in the position of not being able to buy more equipment. The last thing we want is to have to say "sorry we can't help you" - we have been in that situation ourselves & we felt so let down & on our own.
Please share this page & lets see if we can at least raise part of the amount requested. This will ease the pressure of fundraising slightly & allow us to do what's most important - give our full support!
Thank you,