ZMCP work in Zambia and Malawi.
In Malawi we are all about community empowerment and sustainability. We work with and through our local partner Tafika and our projects are designed to be genuinely synergistic, for example the community forest has been planted by local sports teams who were happy to help in exchange for donated sports strips and boots. Tafika are all about community volunteerism and have mobilised volunteers in over 500 villages in northern Malawi. The Tafika Sports Academy now has teams playing in the top Netball and Football leagues in Malawi. By organising the villages, training coaches and using borrowed kit they have been able to put their teams and players on the sporting map,, providing hope to many thousands of young aspirants.
In Zambia we work with Ngoli village (north of Kasama). We have focused our efforts on scholarships providing tertiary education packages for smart kids to give them the best chance of getting a job. One of our qualified nurses, Sula, now works for NHS Highland and in 2 years has built his mum her first house, sent his older sister to nursing college and paid for his two younger sisters to go back to High School. We believe in this ripple effect - will you be the person to throw the stone?