"Why we need your help"
Clive Lever has composed this song "You're Not Alone" to raise awareness of male victims of domestic abuse, to encourage them to get help because there is hope and to raise funds for the ManKind Initiative helpline. He has performed and recorded it in collaboration with Bud Martin, a long-term friend and musical collaborator.
Clive is an honorary patron of the charity and is dedicated to ensuring the voices of male victims are heard and are better supported,whilst recognising that male and female victims alike need and deserve the same high standard of support.
To hear the song, please click the links below (feel free to download) and we would be grateful if you could make a donation (of any amount) in return.
He and Bud also produced a public notice advertisement video for the helpline based on the song.
Please feel free to share this campaign page on emails and social media to your friends, family and colleagues.
You can also support the charity by:
- Nominate them as your preferred charity when you shop at Amazon through smile.amazon.co.uk. Each time you shop, Amazon will give a small percentage of the cost to the charity and it wont cost you anything.
- Nominate Mankind Initiative as the charity of your choice if you have a flutter on the Postcode Lottery. The Lottery will make the donation at no extra cost to you
You're Not Alone (Play and/or download - MP3 file): 5 MB
You're Not Alone (Download - MP3): 5 MB
You're Not Alone (Play and/or Download - WAV file): 39 MB
You're Not Alone (Download - Wav file): 39MB