In 2023, the Life Change Fund and money raised from our Challenge Events aims to support our Y-Bus Appeal.
We have exciting plans for a new Y-Bus a mobile youth club on wheels to reach young people in areas where there is little or no youth provision. The aim of the bus is to offer activities, advice and support to young people across East Surrey, with a focus on those who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), engaging in anti-social behaviour or struggling with mental health issues.
Our trained YMCA youth workers will take the bus to seek out young people in their own environment and provide an informal setting for activities and discussion, as well as provide signposting to other services if needed.
The bus will have a small seating area inside and will be kitted out with a games console, iPad and TV. The bus will have its own generator so it can run a microwave and a toaster, and provide hot drinks and other refreshments.
This will not only help young people to succeed and reach their potential, but will help to strengthen families, support schools and tackle issues such as crime and anti-social behaviour, helping to keep communities happy and safe.