The campaign, The 2.6 Challenge, will launch from Sunday 26 April, what should have been the date of the 40th edition of the London Marathon, the worlds biggest one-day annual fundraising event, which raised £66.4 million for charities in 2019, all the way through until 2nd May..
The Team & Residents of YMCA Humber have undertaken the #twopointsixchallenge with a variety of events and need you to support these by making a donation today! We have created our own activities based around the numbers 2.6 or 26. We will be participating in...
Sports Hall Relay Marathon [24th]
26 Jaffa Cakes in 2.6minutes
26 mile cycle ride [28th]
26 shoulder press
planting 26 vegetables
26minute equestrian challenge
26 push ups
26 star jumps
26 pool pockets and many more!
You can support us by sponsoring us to complete these activities OR you can fundraise for YMCA Humber by creating your own 2.6 Challenge OR donating to YMCA Humber directly through our website, or JustGiving and choosing to support YMCA Humber.
The 2.6 Challenge is open to anyone of any age or ability the only requirement is that the activity must follow the Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.
You could run or walk 2.6 miles, 2.6km or for 26 minutes. You could do the same in your home or garden, go up and down the stairs 26 times, juggle for 2.6 minutes, do a 26-minute exercise class or get 26 people on a video call and do a 26-minute workout anything you like. We want people to get active, have fun and raise money for YMCA Humber.
The money you raise will ensure we can continue providing supported accommodation for vulnerable people. Helping them unlock their potential and achieve greater independence.
Please donate today!