YMCA Crewe is calling on its local community to come together and sleep rough for one night in March to support local, homeless young people.
YMCA Crewe is one of several YMCAs across the country that have joined forces to raise awareness of youth homelessness during the national YMCA Sleep Easy week, running from Friday 6 to Friday 13 March. Since launching in 2010 YMCA Sleep Easy Week has seen more than 7000 people sleep rough to raise more than £1.5million for local YMCA services that help young people rebuild their lives.
The week will see donors sleep out for one night all over England to raise awareness of the hundreds of young people who sleep rough every year.
This will be the first Sleep Easy night that YMCA Crewe has organised, and is aiming to raise up to £15,000. Money brought in will help YMCA Crewe continue to work with over 300 local people each year, providing temporary accommodation, support services, and its unique engagement model 'GLOAcademy', helping YMCA residents work towards a thriving future, developing the assets and skills required to be ready for work and training.
YMCA Crewe are hoping that this event will act as a way of showing young people in our community who are homeless that the public do care about them and that they are trying to tackle the problem of homelessness by raising vital funds.