YMCA Bournemouth’s mission is to strive to enable people to develop their full potential in mind, body, and spirit. It creates supportive, inclusive, and energising communities where people can truly belong, contribute and thrive.
It does not intend to stand still and do nothing to address the housing crisis which affects all walks of society. The need for high quality, environmentally sustainable, affordable, well-designed homes that contribute to successful communities and place shaping is needed more than ever.
To that end, all funds raised from this years Big Sleep easy will go towards the 60 new units of accommodation that are planned for our Westover / Hinton Road - Bournemouth site.
This is why we do what we do.
Jess became homeless after a mental health breakdown that resulted from a situation of ongoing domestic violence. After staying on a friend’s sofa, she was provided with temporary accommodation by the council and later by YMCA Bournemouth.
“Whilst at the YMCA I received twenty-four hour emotional support from staff who helped me work through serious issues around my physical and mental health,” says Jess. “I attended numerous YMCA Bournemouth organised activities, including residential trips, which helped me work on my social isolation and personal development. As a result, I was able to grow in strength and managed to develop a range of coping mechanisms.”
Jess successfully moved on to her own flat and since then has managed to keep her bills up to date, enjoy healthy relationships and avoid the unhealthy behaviours which were a problem in the past. She also enrolled on a counselling course with Open University, with a view to becoming a Counsellor so that she could help others.
“The staff at YMCA Bournemouth see the potential in everyone and manage to pull it out of you,” says Jess. “I wasn’t seen as a ‘let down’ or judged for my mistakes. I learnt that my behaviour doesn’t define me as a person."
"Without the continued support I received from staff during my time there, I don’t feel I’d be the person I am today."
If you have questions, or wish to take part - please contact the academies reception and ask to speak to the academies organiser.