WVI and 13 supporters are taking on the Chiltern 50K Ultra Challenge to raise vital funds for wildlife veterinary science, bringing together like-minded people who love a challenge and want to do their part in protecting the biodiversity of the planet. We're walking 50k in one day so Wildlife Vets International can help more conservation projects get the veterinary help they need. Saving species from extinction is a complicated puzzle, with no quick fix. The challenges are immense but we can all make a difference. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the risks all species, humans included, face from emerging infectious disease. As natural barriers between wildlife, livestock and people continue to be eroded, those risks also increase. This is especially true for endangered species, where low numbers and fragmented populations mean disease outbreaks can be particularly deadly. WVI train local vets and biologists so that they can identify, monitor and mitigate disease threats, treat sick or injured animals, & safely reintroduce species to the wild.
Please donate what you can, so together we can help protect our wildlife & help to restore the balance of our ecosystems for the sake of us all.