Me Time Fresh Start project will help people improve their health and well-being by getting active! The benefit of exercise on an individual's physical and mental health should never be underestimated. Every minute of exercise helps.
The women only sessions are open to everyone, however, research shows that women from the Luton BAME communities do little or no exercise, so we are prioritising places for these women. There will be four sessions each week, run by qualified staff in a fully equipped gym. Women will be encouraged to attend weekly, so they reap the benefits of regular exercise for their physical health and to increase their confidence and improve their mental health.
Encouraging women to make exercise and physical activity a part of their life will also have a positive affect on their families. Studies show that children with obese parents are 10 times more likely to be obese than the children of parents who are not obese. So, it is essential that parents set the example and lead a healthy and active lifestyle and encourage their children to do the same. We are offering the sessions for all ages to try and encourage multiple generations of women to exercise together. This will make it more sociable and they are more likely to attend. Staff will also be advising attendees how they can incorporate exercise into their daily routines at home with the rest of their family.
It cost just under £10,000 a year to provide the sessions at a significantly discounted rate to ensure money is not a barrier to a healthier lifestyle. Your donation will help give more women this opportunity to improve their mental and physical health.
Thank you!