Autumn/Winter Expenses
We have all our rescued Colts castrated during these Autumn months as there are less flies around and less heat, helping them to recover so much quicker.
So far, we have had the two foals, Orphan Colt Amigo and Clyde (Bonnie's colt ) and Peter Pony who came from Murton during the Summer, castrated .
As we approach the colder months, we have started a new fundraising campaign to help us to get through the coming winter.
Getting through each Winter is an expensive endeavor. It is always a costly time for our Sanctuary, with extra Hay and bedding needed to keep all our residents warm and well fed through the Winter months (many are very elderly).
With these costs going up and up every year, it is in these Autumn months that we try to buy our Hay and Straw in at good prices .
The rescued residents of Woodfield can work their way through tonnes of Hay and Straw every week once they start coming in for the Winter months.
We are also hoping to buy a new field Shelter for our ponies, so they can have more space and to be totally free range. We have some dry fields here and with a new field shelter on wheels, we can use more places for the rescues.
Sadly, we have just heard today that we have lost wonderful grazing in Carmarthen, where one of our largest groups of rescued ponies and sheep have spent the last few Summers.
They have been turned out to grass, with a wonderful family who have taken such good care of them throughout the whole of the Summer months.
The family are moving and have sold their lovely house and land, so we need to bring our ponies and sheep back home in the next two weeks. As such, our bringing in will start much earlier this year.
(Our story )
We are currently home to over 70 rescued horses and ponies who often come to us from appalling conditions of neglect and abandonment. We are their last chance and hope of survival. It is always a privilege to give these beautiful animals the love and care they deserve. It is a real joy to see how they heal and learn to enjoy their lives in peace and security.
We are on a site of some 20 acres and every year we rent additional grazing from local farmers .
In winter all of our ponies, sheep, cows and alpaca are under cover at night as we have found the winters are wetter and wetter each year. They all manage to go out every day into home paddocks, on a rota system.
Whereas we were just a husband and wife team looking after a few rescue animals when we came to Gower in 2013, we now employ 3 part-time staff to help us with all the rescues we have taken in. We are also very grateful to our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers and supporters who help us in so many ways.
We became a registered charity in Dec 2020 (No 1192645)
We are so grateful for every pound donated to help us keep all the animals well fed through another winter.
Ways to Donate:
Post - We gratefully accept cheques and postal orders made payable to 'The Woodfield Animal Sanctuary.'
Telephone - To make an immediate donation. We accept credit cards over the phone
01792 390455.
Set up a monthly donation, or a one-off donation
*Please remember to include Gift Aid when making a donation, if you are eligible ; it costs you nothing and boosts your gift to us at no extra cost.
Thank you so much for your support.
From the Woodfield Team & Residents.