It’s a sad fact that there are those living in our community facing cold and hunger - residents living here in the Horsham district unable to pay for food, heat their homes or afford basics such as a mattress to sleep on.
Since 2009 Horsham Matters has been providing practical help, reassurance and advice to make a difference. With your help, we can continue to offer this support in 2025.
Could you spare just £2 a month as a regular gift to help us make a difference?
Every donation, however small, will help us keep our foodbanks stocked, provide energy vouchers and give essential household items to someone setting up home after homelessness. Your generosity will help us run our counselling, advice and support services that make such a positive difference in the longer term, and keep our two community cafes open to combat loneliness.
Please donate what you can so that together we can give local residents a brighter future.