We’d like to invite everyone to take part in The Wee Memory Walk at 2pm on Sunday 15th October. No matter where you are, get together with family and friends in your local community to walk in memory of your wee one, or to show support for our families. Your walk could be a stroll around the block, climbing a Munro, or anything in between – the location and the distance of your walk is entirely up to you.
We’re encouraging everyone to begin their walk at 2pm on Sunday 15th October so the SDCT community can walk ‘together’, but feel free to arrange your Wee Memory Walk for anytime between 9th – 15th October if this time isn’t suitable.
Please do share photos of your own Wee Memory Walk with us by tagging us on social media @cotdeathtrust and using the #BLAW and #BabyLossAwarenessWeek hashtags. Alternatively, you can email your photos to contact@scottishcotdeathtrust.org and we can share them on our social media channels.