About Wear Red Day...
Wear Red Day is CHSF's biggest fundraiser of the year. Taking place during February (Heart Month), amazing people will wear red in their communities, schools or workplaces to help save lives.
How do I take part in Wear Red Day?
It's easy - just register at, wear something red on any day in February and raise money and awareness. When you sign up to take part you will receive a FREE fundraising pack full of lots of different ways you can have fun on the day and raise even more money for our heart warriors and families! We need you!
We're celebrating Wear Red Day on Friday 28th February - but join in at any point through the month!
We encourage you to celebrate Wear Red Day whenever and however you can during the month of February! The most important part is to please make a donation and help us to keep saving lives.
13 babies are diagnosed with a congenital heart defect (CHD) in the UK every day, and your money will make a huge difference to the 17,000+ babies, children and adults living with CHD in our region. Thank you.