In the UK there has been a 23% increase in the use of food banks. With the devastating effect of the Coronavirus on peoples jobs and income, the reliance of food banks has become far more evident. Latest figures by Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) show a 177% increase in the number of people supported with 3-day emergency food parcels compared to May of last year - 3.2 million people have claimed Universal Credit since the start of lockdown in March 2020.
Humanity First has set up its second UK Food Bank in Walsall, Midlands. A further roll out of other food banks is expected later this year. With local support they have managed to distribute food parcels to individuals and families as well as other food banks and organisations reaching a large number of people.
However, to increase and expand the operation much needed donations required.
£25 could feed a family in the UK for a week
£50 could feed a family in the UK for 2 weeks
£100 could feed a family in the UK for a month
Follow us on Twitter: @walsallfoodbank