Join us in walking in solidarity with the West Papuan people and raise funds for Papua Partners !
Walk or cycle 5k or more on any day (or every day) during the month of August 2022.
Have fun - Raise awareness - Raise funds
Why Get Involved?
The Land and people of West Papua are under threat.
Although West Papua is one of the richest regions globally with regard to biodiversity and natural resources, it is now increasingly threatened with environmental destruction and militarisation.
The indigenous West Papuan people are facing human rights abuses and a progressive shutdown of free speech, leaving them poor and marginalised in their own land. Women and children suffer most, with very poor access to health and education and experience high levels of violence.
West Papuans want to build a peaceful society and protect their land and create a better future for their children.
Since 2006, Papua Partners has been working together with local indigenous organisations and communities in West Papua to respond to the increasingly challenging and complex social, political and environmental context.
By Walking With West Papua and supporting Papua Partners you will be investing in the future of the Papuan people and their land. Everything we do is in partnership with and designed by Papuans to generate transformative change which brings justice and peace to the land of Papua.
How long does my walk need to be?
We suggest 5k or more on any day (or every day) during August - The important thing is to have fun, challenge yourself and think about West Papuans and the challenges they face. Think about trying an iconic walk such as the Three Peaks, The 7 7s in the Mourne Mountains or the South Downs Way.
How much do I have to raise to take part?
We suggest that you set a target of at least £100. If you want to raise more that is great!
How do I set up my Fundraising Page?
1. You set up your own page on Justgiving.com
2. Select Papua Partners as your charity
3. Choose option to raise money for an event.
4. Select Walk With West Papua
5. You can choose to put your own information into your page or use information & images. provided.
What if I do not have access to a camera to take photo?
Please just send us a message of support and the details of your walk.
What if I cannot walk during the dates?
Please complete your walk when you can, we will still link all your efforts to the campaign.
If I can't do the walk can I still donate to the campaign?
Yes Please! You can still donate directly to the campaign if you are not able to do the walk.
Who can I contact with questions or for support with my walk?
Please feel free to either email us on or phone us or text us on: +44 (0) 7874374297 with any questions. We will be happy to help.
More information about Papua Partners can be found on our website