We work with over 570 churches, projects, organisations and charities across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Our mission is to "Inspire, Equip and Connect churches as they help people break free from poverty" and we do this in a variety of ways.
* Free training sessions for churches, and individuals, on a range of topics (welcoming vulnerable families, grief and loss, mental health, for example)
* Hosting the Christian Action Nottingham, Faith Action Mansfield and Faith Action Support Ashfield networks, bringing together local groups, charities and churches seeking to support their communities
* We coordinate the CAN subgroups looking at targeted support around areas such as debt and money advice, prisoners and ex-offenders, housing, children and families, social enterprises and employability, refugees and asylum seekers, food and community, modern slavery, and, mental health and wellbeing. These groups are open to any group, charity, organisation and/or project interested in coming together to discuss and target specific issues
* Bespoke mentoring and support for local groups seeking to expand their provision, or interested in setting up a community hub
* We coordinate the 77 Places of Welcome running weekly across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, seeking to support those who are lonely and isolated
* We have developed a housing steering group seeking to restore the affordable housing pathway. This group is looking in to how unused areas of land across the City and County can be developed into affordable housing units
We rely heavily on grant funding and individual donors. Can you support our work across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, either by way of a one off donation, or by becoming a regular supporter?