Life will never be the same for her - the hundreds of women devastated by cancer who access Compassion House Foundation each year. Join us as we step into her shoes and Walk Her Way in a small journey to help ease the distress of the cancer journey for women.
Edmonton | Grande Prairie | Fort McMurray | Jasper
You can participate in this virtual event from anywhere!
Follow along and get social @yegchf using #walkherway5k!
1. Register as an individual or a team.
2. Fundraise in advance.
3. Complete a 5 km walk or run of your choice between May 13-16, 2021.
We ask that participants fundraise a minimum of $100. If you do so by April 27, you'll receive a commemorative event item and SWAG box.
Unable to participate? You can still offer your support. Donate towards the fundraiser of any participant or team you know or make a general event donation towards our $50,000 goal.
Walk Her Way 5K raises critical funding for Compassion House Foundation, a non-profit, charitable organization with a vision to ease the distress of the cancer journey for women.
When you Walk Her Way, you help women battling cancer find comfort, connection, and community during a time when they need it most through:
Sorrentino's Compassion House, a haven for women who must travel to Edmonton for cancer treatment.
Financial support to help eliminate barriers to cancer treatment.
Post-treatment programs that empower women and their support networks to thrive, not just survive, following cancer treatment.
Reliable operations that enable the Foundation to endure through crisis and function optimally for the women it serves.
Proceeds from the event will be used towards the greatest area of need at the time.
Visit for access to:
Event Guide
How-to Instructions
Trail Maps
Social Media Images
...and more!
Walk Her Way 5K wouldn't be possible without our event sponsors, participants, and donors. We appreciate the support!
Email us at with any questions, concerns, or technical issues.