Walking together, towards a future without violence.
Thank you for your participation in our 31st Annual Walk Against Domestic Violence! We are thrilled to be back in-person again this year and look forward to walking together with our community as we advocate for change and raise awareness of domestic violence.
Once you have registered for the walk, you can begin fundraising by creating your personal fundraising page here on JustGiving! After that, you can continue to create your team, join another team, or raise funds as an individual. Click here for our 2022 Fundraising Toolkit!
Spread the word, encourage your friends to donate and participate! Together, we can make an even bigger impact for one of the largest Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center events of the year.
Incentive Items & Prizes
The following prizes are available for anyone who reaches these fundraising totals by Friday September 30, 2022!
- Raise $100: Receive a coveted Walk Against Domestic Violence Hat
- Raise $500: Receive a Walk Against Domestic Violence t-shirt
- Raise $1000: Receive a logoed performance fleece vest, courtesy of our friends at Basin Harbor Apparel
When you walk alongside us this year wearing these items, you're showing our community the amazing impact you have created!