Join us for the 2024 Walk for Water - Saturday, September 28 at Bonavista Church, Calgary. Registration time is 3:30pm, and the walk starts at 4:00pm.
To register to be a walker, click the "Start Fundraising" button. To donate to a walker, click on his/her name under the "Fundraisers" sidebar, then click the "Give Now" button on his/her page. For further instructions, click the link below.
JustGiving Page Setup Instructions
Thank You Bonavista Church!
Last year, you raised $10,000 for the Walk for Water fundraiser, which helped to install two boreholes and five latrines in Kona, Burkina Faso giving residents access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities.
Your generosity has sparked positive change that goes far beyond just water access. Community health has improved, more girls are now able to attend school, and women have time to pursue jobs. These changes have strengthened the local economy and increased community pride. Thank you for changing lives!
Walk for Water 2024
We're excited to build on last year’s success with Bonavista Church hosting another Water for Water event. This time, the goal would be to support a water and sanitation project at a school in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso, called La Bonne Nouvelle.
La Bonne Nouvelle serves 800 students and 37 staff, but faces significant water and sanitation challenges. The school experiences frequent water outages during school hours, forcing students to seek water from unsafe sources or skip school to fetch water from distant locations. This situation leads to water-related illnesses and impacts attendance and academic performance. The school’s latrines are also in disrepair, lacking basic hygiene standards and handwashing stations.
By supporting this year’s Walk for Water, you will help to drill a borehole at the school for a steady clean water supply, refurbish the existing latrines, and install critical handwashing stations.