'I have been blown away by the skill, efficiency, dedication, and loving
commitment with which the staff run this small charity'
- Juliet Stevenson, actor, campaigner and Patron of Young Roots
The young refugees and asylum seekers we support in London are facing particular challenges in these extraordinary times. Social isolation and mental health are key concerns for us, and we'd like to ask for your help to so we can continue to provide support during the crisis and beyond.
The young people we support have fled war, serious human rights abuses and often had long, dangerous journeys to the UK. Many already suffer from mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their experiences. Before the coronavirus crisis hit, many were already destitute and hungry - either homeless or in basic and insecure housing. 70% of them are in the UK alone, very far from parents, family and friends.
Despite the resilience and courage of these young people in the face of adversity, we are already seeing a marked increase in vulnerability and the need for more intensive support.
Our immediate response was to raise funds for emergency hardship packs including food and mobile data vouchers, basic phones and essentials. We continue to provide these to young people according to need. We are trailing online delivery of our youth groups and developing new ways of connecting with young people, responding to challenges as they arise and learning from them. Our caseworkers continue to provide 1:1 support tailored to the individual needs of our most vulnerable young people. We are focused on maintaining the trusted relationships we have built with young people.
We remain focused on our key outcomes of reducing social isolation and supporting mental health and wellbeing; access to rights and entitlements; improving language and communication skills; and developing leadership skills. These continue to be central to all our short- and longer-term plans, while listening and responding to emerging needs.
Many young people will need more intensive support as a result of the pandemic. We are assessing and reviewing needs, levels of risk, the impact and implications of COVID19 on an individual basis.
Anything you are able to donate will help us continue to meet the needs of young refugees and asylum seekers, and keep our services running and responsive.
We would also be so grateful if you could leave a message of support for young people on our Just Giving page. We will pass these on to them as part of the effort to reduce their isolation.
* Main photo: Yonatan, young refugee supported by Young Roots in Brent, alongside Nat our Brent Project Worker