Abernecessities is a local charity with the aim to support underprivileged families in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. We provide families with the essential items they need to care for their babies and children to help alleviate the pressure of bringing up a young family with limeted resources.
Times like these serve to remind us what Abernecessities is really about, providing the bare essentials to families and underprivileged children throughout the North-East. It is for that reason that we are putting out this appeal to enable us to purchase essentials such as toilet roll, soap, shower gel, nappies and baby formula. These are the items that the families we work with simply cannot afford to bulk buy and stockpile, and are desperately in need of. For most of these families they are unable to travel (they won't have a car or be able to afford bus fares) to other shops around the city looking for the items that are unavailable in their local store. We have already seen a rise in families getting in touch to ask if we can help and we anticipate that this will continue.