UCLH Arts and Heritage provides cultural and artistic activity for the benefit of all our patients and staff. It does this through weekly creative and cultural opportunities: Activity such as music by patient’s bedsides; artist–led creative sessions; exhibitions; artistic residencies and improving the physical environment through commissioning site-specific art work for example within the Grafton Way Building. It has also run an Arts on Prescription service which will link patients with arts organisations within the community to support their wellbeing and recovery.
In addition to this the Arts programme and has brought great comfort and support to our staff during the pandemic by developing a creative comfort offer.
Our focus for the next few years is to help improve health inequalities for the community we serve.
£5 would help to buy arts materials for patients
£20 would fund a staff member to take part in a creative course
£50 would fund an artwork install in a patient or staff area.
£100 would fund a 1 hour music performance on the wards or atrium.
£250 would fund our resident artist for a day of patient workshops on teenage cancer, neuro-rehab and radiotherapy wards.
To find out more about our work visit our website -
Photo credit: Dryden Goodwin