Twogether - Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2023

No one should battle an eating disorder alone. So this is a fundraising challenge where anything goes, as long as you do it Twogether.
Our campaign is now complete. 1908 supporters helped us raise £34,807.00
Visit the charity's profileNo one should battle an eating disorder alone. So this is a fundraising challenge where anything goes, as long as you do it Twogether.
Closed 20/02/2024
Whether you're battling an eating disorder yourself, or you're supporting someone who's struggling, here at Beat, we'll help you find a way through.
That's why, in the spirit of working together, we're launching a new fundraising challenge where anything goes, as long as you do it - Twogether.
From our phone helpline to our online workshops and chatrooms, we are on a mission to end the pain caused by eating disorders by providing support and bringing people together to ensure that recovery is possible. So we're asking you to pair up with a pal and fundraise with someone by your side.
Think, dressing up in twinning outfits, going on a sponsored walk with a good friend, or crafting something as a pair.
Get the other half of your dynamic duo on board and download our fundraising pack to get started.
Because nothing beats tackling it Twogether.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week: 27th February - 5th March 2023 #TwogetherWithBeat
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