250,000 babies were lost to miscarriage in the UK alone this year. 250,000 hearts broken and dreams shattered.
As a charity, we are determined to change the way people are supported following miscarriage, baby loss and infertility. From a scarce, clinical, and ‘seek and you may find’ model to a warm, empathetic model that scoops people up at their point of need by the community and nurtures their wellbeing so they may never feel isolated on their journey.
Recent survey data found that there are up to 428 miscarriages a day in the UK(1) and nearly 20% of women who experience miscarriage become symptomatic for depression and/or anxiety(2)
Further depression, guilt and isolation are common and devastating features for people facing infertility(3) issues, and this impacts around 1 in 7 heterosexual couples.(4)
That’s a lot of people....
We want to make all the content we produce as accessible as possible and reach as many women as possible with the support we provide. We are a member’s led organisation, and we feel we are constantly listening and responding to the changing needs of the population we serve.
We have come a long way and supported many incredible women in the past, here are testimonials from just a few of them.
Bex and Laura are absolutely incredible, and I cannot praise TWGGE enough with everything they do to support women going through the pain of baby loss. I reached a dark place after two losses and then failed medicated cycles whilst TTC. I realised I was facing anxiety and depression, and no one in my life quite understood how to help me. I was reaching out to different places but nothing was quite working and I felt incredibly alone. I had been following TWGGE on instagram after listening to the podcast following my first loss, and I find it hard to put into words what this support group did for me, but I know that it was everything that I needed. A community of women to speak to and support me who completely understood me, my feelings and my situation without ever meeting me in person. Thank you Bex and Laura, you are stars xxxxx
I find it so incredibly hard to admit that I need help / can’t do it on my own and you Bex & Laura have given such validation to my feelings (which I 100% never got from 99% of the health care professionals I came into contact with) and permission for me and others to feel like it’s ok to say ‘I’m not ok and I need some help’, I don’t feel like the same person anymore and still have no idea how to rebuild myself most of the time but the gang / this group and the course is such a comfort in feeling that there might be a way to feel like me again.
I now feel like I have a support just in my pocket or bag so if I need a time out I can just rant away! Also that it’s peer support around people who can help, who understand, who get it! I’ve had validation of my feelings of understanding grief. I feel empowered by women around me. Also that it does not feel so ‘clinical’. I feel closer with all of you currently than life long friends. Thank you xxxxx
I have never felt so understood and heard since I met this wonderful group of women. I must admit but I also felt some level of shame that I couldn't just get over myself and 'get back to normal' - ugly feelings! I now realise that in fact it is perfectly normal to feel the way that I do and that there is no right or wrong way to be following such a traumatic experience.
Please help us welcome women like this, suffering with broken hearts and empty arms.
All our love,
Bex & Laura
1 Baby loss statistics | Tommy's (tommys.org)
2 Depression and Anxiety Following Early Pregnancy Loss: Recommendations for Primary Care Providers -
PMC (nih.gov)
3 Depression, Guilt and Isolation among Infertile Women and their Partners: Journal of Psychosomatic
Obstetrics & Gynecology: Vol 5, No 3 (tandfonline.com)
4 Context | Fertility problems: assessment and treatment | Guidance | NICE