Turkey Mozaik Foundation Gender Equality Fund
Turkey Mozaik Foundation's Gender Equality Fund supports new and innovative projects, campaign and advocacy activities and institutional development of womens and LGBTI+ organisations.
Turkey Mozaik Foundation's Gender Equality Fund supports new and innovative projects, campaign and advocacy activities and institutional development of womens and LGBTI+ organisations.
In Turkiye, 49.8% of the population are women. According to the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2023, Turkiye ranks 129th among 149 countries in gender equality. While there are no legal obstacles in exercising fundamental human rights such as education, political rights, or employment for women, there are significant barriers in practice with respect to advancement of women and gender equality in the country.
- The number of femicides in Turkiye have been increasing every year. According to our grantee We will stop Femicides Platform, the number of femicides in 2023 was 315.
- Female illiteracy rate above the age of 25 in Turkiye is 8.5%, as compared with 1.6% for males.
- Female labour force participation rate is 30% (and only 22% excluding seasonal labour), as compared with 71% for males. Only 5% of firms in Turkey have a female in the top management position, and only 9% of all entrepreneurs in Turkey are female.
- Political participation for females is also poor. Only 17% the seats in the national parliament are held by women, and the rate is lower for local government offices, with only 9% of mayors being female.
Turkey Mozaik Foundation and Support for Civil Society Foundation established a Gender Equality Fund in 2019 to support new and innovative projects, campaign and advocacy activities and institutional development of womens and LGBTI+ organisations.
This campaign will be open indefinitely to fund organisations aiming to address gender-based violence and gender equality gap problem in Turkiye. Below are some of the organisations we supported in the last five years:
- We will stop Femicides Platform (Kadin Cinayetlerini Durduracagiz Platformu) works to eliminate violence against women and femicide in Turkiye. In addition, they monitor court cases on femicide, violence against women and sexual abuse of women and organize public awareness campaigns on these cases. We supported a project to raise awareness of the Istanbul Convention and Law 6284.
- Flying Broom Foundation (Ucan Supurge Vakfi) thrives to create change in which women are empowered and gender equality is provided in all areas of life. The Foundation has played a significant role in building solidarity in the womens movement by bringing together womens organisations from different cities. Flying Broom Foundation organises International Womens Film Festival.
- Sunflower Women's Association (Gunebakan Kadin Dernegi) aims to ensure equal rights, responsibilities and participation in society for women by working on domestic violence, womens health, education of child on gender, women participation in municipal mechanisms and gender equality in municipalities. We support a project to open womens counselling centres and shelters in Mersin.
- Kazdagi Association for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources (Kazdagi Dogal ve Kulturel Varliklari Koruma Dernegi) will set-up a renewable energy cooperative led by 20 women to create a local model for women joining the workforce.
- Flying Broom Womens Association for Communication and Research (Ucan Supurge Kadin Iletisim ve Arastirmalari Dernegi) works on the areas of empowering girls, gender-oriented media literacy and advocating for womens human rights through campaigns and communications. As a member of Girls Not Brides, the associations focus and expertise has been on the issue of child brides and forced marriages in Turkey. We supported a project to help girls participation in areas of STEAM subjects.
- Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanlari Dernegi) aims to promote and spread science, scientific thinking and awareness in society, in particular through activities targeting children and young people. We supported a project to increase girls participation in science workshops.
- The Foundation for Women’s Solidarity (Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı) aims to combat gender inequality and all forms of gender-based violence. Through its women’s counseling centre, the foundation provides free of charge social, legal and psychological counseling to women subjected to violence. Our support enabled the foundation to reach out to more women.
- We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği) aims to improve the accessibility, quality and sustainability of menstrual products and to contribute to the dissemination of data collection and content creation on menstrual poverty in Turkiye. Our grant support strengthened the association's organisational capacity.
- Mimoza Women’s Association (Mimoza Kadın Derneği) aims to combat all forms of violence against women and gender inequality, and to raise awareness through outreach activities. Our support improved the organisation’s structure and capacity of the association.
- Families and Friends of LGBTI+s Association (LGBT+ Bireylerin Aileleri ve Yakınları Derneği - LİSTAG) organises awareness-raising activities, counselling, and advocacy to ensure that families accept their LGBTI+ children and/or relatives, and that LGBTI+s are accepted in society. Our support improved the association’s financial sustainability.
- Katre Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Association (Katre Kadın Danışma ve Dayanışma Derneği) works to ensure an equal life and opportunities for women, children and LGBTI+s, especially in terms of housing, health, law, sexual and social rights. The association held outreach activities in Erzincan to raise women’s awareness about sexual and reproductive health.
- Social Policy Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association (Sosyal Politika Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Derneği, SPoD) aims to contribute to the development of social policies to prevent the oppression of LGBTI+s with regard to their gender identity and sexual orientation. Our support improved SPoD’s organisational capacity.
- The Women of Ravanda Association (Ravandalı Kadınlar) aims to support the economic and social empowerment of women by selling the products produced by the women of Ravanda, and also organising training on women’s rights, ecology, technology, and other related topics. Our support improved the association’s financial sustainability.
- Yüksekova Women’s Social Support and Culture Association (Yüksekova Kadınlarını Toplumsal Destekleme ve Kültür Derneği, YUKADER) aims to ensure equal and effective participation of women in all levels of social, economic, cultural, and political life. YUKADER established a hotline and provided counseling to women subjected to violence in Yuksekova.
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