Zakat payments are accepted for this campaign, BUT only if mentioned as "Zakat"
Aslamu'alaikum, respected brothers and sisters, we hope you're well and in the best of health Insha'Allah.
Turkey has declared a state of emergency after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake has claimed the lives of over 1700 people. This has been the worst since earthquake since 1999. Entire neighbourhoods have been devastated and many people remain trapped beneath the rubble. The death toll is rising as a massive emergency rescue operation is hampered by horrific weather conditions, including rain and snow.
Syria on the other hand has already been heavily affected by 12 years of war, sanctions, food and fuel shortages. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, already struggling for survival amidst a bitter winter and cost-of-living crisis are ill-equipped to cope.
Al Medina 313 has launched their campaign to raise money to provide aid to all those affected by this earthquake. Our target is to provide relief to as many people as possible. Every donation will help us in reaching our goal and we require your urgent support, so that we can begin our work. Please support this noble cause now and help spread the message.
May Allah accept from you and us.
Jazakallah for your continued support.
Please Note:
Al Medina 313 operates on a strict 100% donation policy and ALL of your donation will go to the cause you are supporting. Any Gift-aid that is raised is used for supporting our charitable work or it's execution, if you would like to know more about this please get in touch and we will be happy to answer any queries