Smitty was surrendered to us in June 2019 because she didnt like the dogs in her previous home. Smitty is an older cat and she had a hard time attracting adopters. The longer she was in the shelter, the sadder and less adoptable she became. Luckily, we had a foster family willing to take her home and give her a break. Smitty blossomed in her foster home and returned to the affectionate, happy girl she was meant to be. After two weeks in foster care, she was adopted by a family who fell in love with her.
The Tulsa SPCA depends on local support to provide for animals both in foster homes and at the shelter. Our operating budget comes from your donations and the money stays here in Tulsa. Were a hometown operation, relying on our website, social media outlets and you to spread the word of our mission. We do not broadcast television commercials featuring famous Canadian singer-songwriters. By supporting the Tulsa SPCA, you are helping animals here in your own community, educating your neighbors and saving the pets in your neighborhood.
Your generosity allows us to treat, protect, shelter and love animals that come to us in desperate need of second chances. Lives are changed every day because of the generosity and loyalty of people like you!