The Trust for Sustainable Living’s very first Giving Day will support urgent animal welfare projects for the animals in the care of The Living Rainforest, the charity's indoor educational centre in Berkshire, UK. The centre, which also provides the base for TSL’s international work, welcomes 25,000 children from UK schools each year, who benefit from an engaging and immersive learning experience surrounded by over 850 different species of flora and fauna. Over the next few months we will upgrade the dart frogs’ enclosure, implement a new themed insect display, improve lighting in the primates area and establish a mudskipper breeding facility. We know the extremely positive impact these items will have on the wellbeing of many of our animals, as well as on children and adult education for sustainable development overall.
To raise the funding required, the Giving Day running for 36 hours from 12 noon on Tuesday, 25 June will call for friends locally, nationally and internationally to consider supporting. Support towards this special day can come in different ways:
Giving - If you feel able to donate a sum to this cause, please donate on this page.
Fundraising - If you would like to run a fundraiser, perhaps that’s a 5K run, hosting a dinner party for friends or a fresh lemonade sale at school, please set up a Just Giving TSL fundraising page.
Sharing - If you can raise awareness of this important appeal amongst family and friends, please pass on this link, forward our emails, share posts on WhatsApp and like, comment or repost on social media.
With great thanks to a very special TSL Trustee matching gift offer, every donation will be doubled (up to a total value of £5,000). So £10 becomes £20, £25 becomes £50, £100 becomes £200 and so on! On top of this, thanks to a challenge gift, the first continent to have 10 or more donors will unlock a further £250!
On behalf of the animals in our care, and the 100,000 annual visitors who benefit from award-winning eduction for sustainable development, thank you very much indeed.