When Susan was pregnant with Aoife, they found out she had Shones Complex, a serious heart condition. Aoife was born on the 4th of November 2013 by caesarean section and at only one-hour-old Aoife was transferred by ambulance to CHI at Crumlin. It was heart-breaking for Susan to have her baby taken from her immediately after giving birth. At just two days old, Aoife, a tiny new-born baby, was having open heart surgery. Thankfully, Aoife came through surgery well. She was still very sick so she was kept in ICU to begin her recovery. On the first week of Christmas it finally came time for Aoife to go home. Aoife is now a mischievous seven-year-old with a great sense of humour. She loves dancing and drama and has the most amazing smile.
The day Ciara Jane was born, she was cute as a button. Ciara Jane was very sick. She had a bowel blockage, which meant the milk was going in but nothing was coming out. Once again Susan found herself alone as her baby was taken by ambulance from Cork to CHI at Temple Street in Dublin. And once again her tiny newborn baby was operated on at only two-days-old. The doctors also confirmed that Ciara Jane had Down Syndrome. After a couple of months, Ciara Jane was allowed home. Ciara Jane is very similar to Aoife and then totally different at the same time. She is so full of love and shes a cheeky little child as well. Susan, their mum, says,
It means an awful lot to parents that there are people out there looking out for us. I mean you have the doctors and nurses but then you have the public supporting them to ensure their job is made as easy as possible. You really never know the day or the hour youre going to need the hospitals and aside from this you are saving childrens lives. Everything counts and I for one am eternally grateful to all the people that have helped my family.
Read the girls full story here ......