The Victoria Sexual Assault Centre’s Triathlon of Compassion 2025 is our annual fundraiser event hosted in partnership with Human Powered Racing.
The race is a swim, bicycle ride, and run along a beautiful route through an Esquimalt neighbourhood and along the Victoria waterfront with views of the Olympic mountains. You don’t have to be a seasoned racer. You can race as a team or do the whole thing on your own. It’s a family friendly event for all ages and abilities. Bring your adventurous or competitive spirit but relax and enjoy the experience.
We encourage participants to personalize a fundraising page for you or your team, and encourage your friends and family to make donations to support Victoria Sexual Assault Centre’s services and programs. We offer great prizes from local sponsors for top fundraising teams and individuals.
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre (VSAC) runs a private, safe clinic where recent survivors of sexual assault can receive medical care and access to services for healing. Our passionate and trained volunteers are the first contact for survivors. Our counsellors provide individual and group sessions, because healing for each individual involves different paths. Our workshops help youth, BIPOC, and communities in Victoria to become empowered about consent, positive relationships, and to advocate against sexual violence. The Triathlon of Compassion contributes toward all of these services at VSAC.
Thank you so much… I’m starting to feel safe."
“Thank you, I’ve discovered strength I didn’t know I had.”
Thank you for joining us to bring healing and to change lives in Victoria.