Every day thousands refugees across the world are risking their lives to flee war, violence, conflict or persecution. For over twenty years, Salusbury World has worked tirelessly to help give these communities a chance to settle in our area and open up opportunities that millions of us across the country can take for granted.
Every year, we organise a team as part of kensaltri.com to take part in the swim/bike/run challenges at Blenheim Palace. We have fun training together and invite as many people as possible to come join us. If you can't join us we'd love you to sponsor the team or any of our team members.
Your donations - boosted by 25% Gift Aid - enable us to continue to offer face-to-face counsel and support to people that most need it and continue our partnerships with local agencies and schools to offer summer camps, homework clubs, social activities and trips.
Come join the fun with Ellie, Neil, Emma, Ben, Paul, Amy, Marianne - our team so far? or sponsor us below?