Trekstock is the only charity in the UK specifically focusing on support for people in their 20s or 30s who are living with or beyond cancer. We get young adults moving again, build confidence and improve quality of life through our expert led physical activity and social support programmes.
We believe that no young adult should face cancer alone, and we wanted to thank you for joining our journey.
Find us @trekstock
"I can't wait to be a Team Captain for Trekstocks Trek This City! I've seen firsthand the amazing support Trekstock gives people who get a cancer diagnosis in their 20s or 30s. They help them build their confidence back up, get them moving and makes sure they dont have to face the whole thing alone. They make such a difference. Trek This City will raise vital funds for the 34 people diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK in an age bracket that is so often missed. Want to join me? My team will be stomping 10 miles across London together this May and I'd love to have you on board." Gemma Styles