1000 km | 6 Days | 1000s of Thank Yous
Thanking thousands of volunteers on route. Raising funds for vital volunteer projects.
Volunteers in communities across Scotland, England and Wales, have made a difference to so many peoples lives during Covid. They have dedicated their time, skills, compassion and support to help others. From delivering essential shopping and medicine, to picking up the phone to say hello someone as they self-isolate, or supporting young people so they can focus on a positive post-Covid future. The impact volunteers have made in helping people during this crisis has been incredible.
To recognise and thank the thousands of volunteers who have made a difference, this Volunteers Week, 1st-7th June, CEO of Volunteering Matters Paul Reddish is cycling a 1,000 km Tour de Thanks from Edinburgh to London. You'll be able to track the ride from 7.00am on the 2nd June - TRACK RIDE or view the ROUTE
On the way he will be joined by a host of supporters and together they will meet and thank volunteers who have done so much to meet the challenges presented by the pandemic. Every volunteer we meet will be presented with a special edition Pin Your Thanks "People's Medal" as a thank you from all those who've received support during the pandemic.
Paul will cycle a gruelling 1000km against the prevailing winds, starting on 2nd June in Edinburgh going via Wales and ending in London on the evening of 7th June. He will be picking up his dad on route to tandem ride the Sheffield to London stretch. Confirmed locations are Edinburgh, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Stockton on Tees, Sheffield, Nottingham, Birmingham, Worcester, Malvern, Gloucester, Newport, Swindon, Newbury, Reading, Windsor, Kingston upon Thames and a full tour of London! You can view more details on tour at
The Tour de Thanks will be raising funds for volunteer projects to help communities recover from the impact of the pandemic.
The Tour de Thanks is not just about looking back - we know there are very significant challenges ahead. But with your donation and support, well be able to continue our work, and also raise more awareness of the impact that volunteering has for everyone.
The Riders
Paul Reddish - Chief Executive - Volunteering Matters
As well as being the Chief Exec of one of the UK's most amazing volunteering charities who support over 20,000 to volunteer every year, Paul is a serial volunteer. He's engaged as a youth worker, sports coach, treasurer and trustee and chairs roles of different charities. If he's not working or volunteering, he can be found spending time with his young family or on his bike.

Tim Reddish CBE DL - Board Member - International Paralympic Committee
Tim is registered blind and a former Paralympic swimmer, as well as being a keen amateur cyclist. Before (sort of) retiring, Tim was Chair of the British Paralympic Association. He was given a CBE in the 2017 New Year Honours for services to sport and was appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire (DL) in 2019.

Pip is Tim's guide dog. Hell be accompanying the tour from Sheffield to London, supporting Tim. He's more snoozing and making sure Tim keeps pedaling than actual riding.

Donate to keep volunteer led projects in our communities across the UK
Join us to celebrate the thousands of unsung heroes, and by donating today you will be helping us create a volunteering legacy.
Every gift we receive will go towards one of our volunteer led projects across the UK. Your support will help communities to overcome adversity, tackle social isolation and loneliness, improve health, develop skills and opportunity and make sure young people can lead change.
Before I had a volunteer befriender, I was so alone and sad, I am now happy and feel positive about my life. - Mary
On behalf of all villagers [residents] and staff I want to end with a sincere thanks for what you have done for us... You... set up an exemplary (shopping) system and your teams made it work; kindness, speed and efficiency have been the hallmarks and reflect great credit on you all. - Chair of Residents Association
It brightens my day to know that I could have made an impact in someones life, even if it was only one person. Who knows, that person may have then positively affected someone elses life so that the cycle of positivity continues. - Online Wellbeing Champion
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