For over twenty-five years Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre has been providing training for women who wish to take ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. We are a unique resource for women, providing a range of longer retreats that explore the principles and practices of our Order, helping women to develop confidence in their spiritual potential, and to decide whether the Triratna Buddhist Order is for them.
Women from abroad, single mums, younger women and women on a low income sometimes need financial help coming on our retreats. Women from outlying situations may not have a Sangha to help them raise the cash they need. Our bursary fund has supported women from as far away as Mexico and Estonia, and as close as Buddhafield, to come here.
Women from Estonia, Sweden, Finland, France, Spain, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Turkey, USA, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia as well as Irish, Welsh, Scottish and English women, have benefited from the training we offer here, and joined the Order.
You can support other women to come to Tiratanaloka as part of their ordination process through standing order payments; as little as £5 a month makes a big difference! By giving money to the bursary fund, you can help your Dharma sisters who cant afford to come on retreat here; money is energy, and this is a great way to use yours to help change the world. If you are not able to set up a regular donation please consider a one-off donation.