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High food and energy bills have had a crippling effect on many households budgets, resulting in stressful decisions and drastic cutbacks which can have a serious impact on physical and mental health.
We’re setting up the Stronger Together Fund to give our members urgent financial support when they need it most.
The fund will offer small grants for essentials such as:
• Travel to centres
• Equipment, such as a small fridge to store treatment
• Replacement bedding and clothes
• Period products
Please give what you can. Every small grant will make a big difference to the quality of life of someone with a bleeding disorder in the UK.
The Stronger Together Fund will begin giving grants in early 2024. Grants will be up to a maximum of £250 and will require proof of membership and be supported by a healthcare professional.
Please give what you can and help us ensure that no member of our community suffers unnecessarily. Even the smallest donation will have a significant impact on someone’s life.
Many thanks
The Haemophilia Society