SWALLOW Charity supports over 150 local teenagers and adults with learning disabilities to live life to the full. This year SWALLOW is proud to celebrate its 30th Anniversary and is raising funds to keep the charity thriving and providing user-led support for another 30 years and beyond.
Support SWALLOW staff and members with our Thirtyfor30 Challenge Month!
There are lots of ways that people are getting involved - walking 30 kilometers and 30 miles in a day, cycling 30 kilometers, hosting 30 question quizzes, asking for 30 donations to SWALLOW for their birthday - the possibilities are endless.
Some SWALLOW members are also taking part and doing sponsored walks and fun runs.
Staff & members taking part so far are:
Bev Craney - walking 30km
Shelley Lines - walking 30km
Jean Shorty - walking 30km
Nicky Tew - cycling 30km
Jade Ogden - walking 30 miles
Dan Bates - hosting a 30 questions quiz
Emily Watmough - walking from MSN to Radstock
Lucy Cotterell - growing tomatoes
Lindsey McIntosh - giving up chocolate for 30 days
Garvin Kendrick - cycling up to 300 miles
Jay Burton - walking every day for 30 days
Tuesday Art Group - singing 30 songs
Hive & Radstock Cafes - compiling 30 recipes
Lyndon Bird & Kath Revell - cycling 30km
Chilcompton Group - 30 basketball hoops a week
Radstock Cafe staff team - swimming 30 lengths
Liz Milton - 300 hula hoops a day
Thanks so much to all of you for your support!