Project Trust currently finds itself at a crucial juncture. The pandemic and subsequent cost-of-living crisis have had a serious impact on our operations - Volunteer numbers have reduced by almost two thirds and as a result, we have had to significantly reduce our country programmes, from 21 countries in 2019 to just seven in 2023.
We are one of the only international volunteering charities in the UK to have survived the global pandemic but the threat to our recovery is still very real. The reality is that without the support of our Alumni Community, we may not have a future. We need your help to safeguard this extraordinary organisation for the next generation of Volunteers.....
..enter The VolunYEARS Challenge!
The VolunYEARS Challenge will launch during the first week of June in celebration of Volunteers' Week 2023. In the month of June, we are asking our amazing Alumni to raise money for Project Trust by completing their own challenge. The VolunYEARS Challenge should focus on the number of years since you returned from your Project Trust experience.
Below are some of our Cohort Champions, and the challenges they are undertaking:
Amy (South Africa 14/15) is 'Running 80km in 8 days'
Jenny (Myanmar 18/19) is 'Completing a half marathon with just 4 weeks training'
Meg (Ghana 15/16) is 'Hiking the 7 hills of Edinburgh in one day'
We appreciate that everyone has busy lives to lead, so if you are unable to participate in a challenge, then please support our VolunYEARS Champions by donating below. Perhaps you can donate the amount of years since you returned from your time as a Project Trust Volunteer? Whatever you do, fundraising for The VolunYEARS Challenge will help ensure Project Trust can continue to provide inspiring, life-changing experiences for generations to come.
Thank you.