Wollongong Council is planning to create Wollongong's first inclusive play space that provides for young people and adults with disability.
The concept for an inclusive play space in Wollongong has been in the planning for some time and is intended to be delivered in two stages. The first stage is currently funded by the Australian Governments Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund, corporate and community donations and Wollongong City Council.
In 2019, Council partnered with the University of Wollongong and The Disability Trust on a research project titled Giving a Voice to the Voiceless, which sought to collect the opinions of people with severe intellectual disability and who are functionally non-verbal about how they would like to use playgrounds.
Under the plans there will be phased improvements to access, linking paths and parking. Although the first phase of this project is fully funded, we need additional funding to build the second phase. The support from the community via donation is greatly appreciated. Help us build this great inclusive-for-all play space!
The Disability Trust is supporting The Playground Project with the process of collecting donations. Every dollar donated goes directly to building the inclusive playground.