The Great Tommy Sleep Out is a virtual challenge designed to build awareness and think about those that are homeless, especially at this time of year. There are over 6,000 veterans that are homeless and this is an opportunity for you and your family to challenge yourselves and help RBLI raise vital funds for veterans, and those with disabilities that RBLI supports.
During the month of March we are encouraging our incredible supporters to brave the cold, and potentially wet March nights, and sleep out under the stars to raise funds to help build awareness of the homeless.
Whether you are on your own, or with your family, sleep outside in a tent for a night any day in March.
For those brave souls who like to push themselves further why not try it without a tent for a few days?!
The challenge is up to you..
Remember that every penny raised will go towards enabling RBLI to continue supporting veterans and those with disabilities. The more money raised, the more people we can support, it really is that simple.