Join ShelterBox for our annual Tent for Lent campaign.
For 40 days over Lent, we’re asking for supporters to join us in fundraising. Last year our community of fundraisers raised an amazing £30,832 for those in need of shelter. Can we raise even more this year?
This year, we’re asking you to give something up to raise funds for those in need of shelter and emergency aid. You could give up your daily coffee or sweet treat, and donate the money saved. Or give up your bed for a sponsored sleep out.
However people chose to fundraise, every penny saved or raised and donated will make a difference.
£35 could provide a family with a shelter tool kit which contains tools to maintain their homes or shelters.
£60 could provide a family with a water filter giving them access to clean drinking water.
£425 could provide a family with a tent, a space for a family to call home. A perfect target for a group challenge.
Thank you.