With four miles of beautiful riverfront paths, Hudson River Park is a paradise for NYC runners. Runners are "fundracing" for this green and blue oasis by running the 2023 TCS New York City Marathon for Team HRPK!
With Team HRPK, you will leave a meaningful impact with each step you take through New York City. By fundraising and raising awareness of Hudson River Park, you will enable land and river sustainability efforts, support free STEM education programming and cultivate every blossom in Hudson River Park.
This park is NOT a City-run park and the Park relies on private support for its operations, maintenance and free public programming. Your donation makes our park possible: Please support Team HRPK today and cheer on the team on Sunday, November 5, 2023!
Team HRPK has a very limited number of GUARANTEED entries for this race. By donating to this page or starting your own fundraising page, you are NOT guaranteed a bib from Team HRPK for this race. If you're interested in "fundracing" for Team HRPK,please fill out this Interest Form as soon as possible.