BSK opened it's flagship cafe in August 2017 with 16 crew members with learning disabilities and autism. They have grown rapidly and now provide education, training and employment for 46 crew members in a range of hospitality and printing roles.
Cassie has been with BSK since 2017. Here is a letter from her parents explaining the impact BSK has had on all their lives:
Although happy in supported living, Cassie has always had difficulty finding suitable work due to her communication problems. She is naturally very sociable and loves meeting people and making friends, and to be fully integrated in the community. so joining BSK in 2017 offered her a great opportunity. As her family, we saw an almost instant improvement in her self-confidence, enabling her to do things like:carrying a full tray confidentially across the room, taking the bus to work (and getting there on time), understanding that making mistakes is part of learning - not failing. Soon after starting at BSK she astonished us when she began to help in the kitchen at home! We think the professional and all round approach in the 'family' workplace is teaching her to anticipate and think ahead, such a big step towards independent thinking. As one of the BSK 'crew' she has a meaningful job and getting her payslip each month tells her she has a normal job, like everyone else. Working in this joyous atmosphere has given her a real sense of purpose and belonging and she continues to blossom and grow in stature. This has given her a future. BSK has filled a hole in our lives, we didn't know we had'. Cassie's Parents