Gutsy corporate watchdog RAID takes on multinational companies who disregard human rights and destroy the environment. We conduct forensic research, including field work, at a level of detail that enables us to bring cases against companies in courts and before supervisory bodies.
This work is only possible through the courage and tireless work of frontline communities and activists. They know first-hand that holding companies to account can mean putting your life and your livelihood at risk.
Fighting to hold companies to account for 25 years would simply not have been possible without people who care! Support our fundraiser and help us bring about real change.
This fundraiser on our 25th anniversary year is for the work of RAID and the local activists, grassroots organisers and monitors documenting corporate harms in real time. RAID's team of lawyers and researchers stand together with frontline communities in Africa, and elsewhere, to bring companies to justice.
This October we had a team of eight awe-inspiring runners who sprinted, jogged and walked through London's iconic parks at the Royal Parks Half Marathon. Thank you to our wonderful runners listed on this page. You did us so proud!
Our research publications and legal casework challenge multinational companies. We advocate for stronger regulations to halt corporate misconduct. We put human impact at the centre of urgent discussions on the climate emergency and global supply chains.
Check out RAID’s research on workers’ rights at DR Congo’s cobalt mines recently discussed in The Washington Post’s feature here. We also appeared on BBC Newshour and BBC Global News Podcast earlier in 2023 to talk about the need for a living wage for workers, who often labour below the poverty line to extract critical minerals needed for the transition to clean energy. This follows our landmark report on widespread workers’ rights abuses at industrial cobalt mines in DRC featured in The Guardian, The Verge, and on the BBC World Service.
We’ve also kept our eyes on those enabling human rights harms reported at a gold mine in Tanzania – repeatedly warning the London market that it was wrongly certifying the precious metal as being responsibly sourced when it wasn’t. In 2023, we also shared our research on shortcomings in critical minerals due diligence, and we’ve taken action against aggressive legal tactics by big companies (SLAPPs).
Your donations will help us to do more. Thank you!
Visit our website to see our work and success stories: