Tayside Council on Alcohol (TCA) is a charity that has an extensive record of delivering evidence informed, person centred, needs-led, holistic and creative interventions to vulnerable, often excluded adults, children/young people and families across Tayside.
Those we work with experience various forms of hardship due to substance use, offending and other harmful behaviour. Our actions and practice are reflected in our mission statement; TCA works alongside people, families and communities to mitigate the impact of substance use, gambling, offending and other risky or harmful behaviours. We seek to challenge stigma, inequality, discrimination and marginalisation. To achieve this, TCA takes a whole family approach to service delivery acknowledging the greater impact of behaviour of individuals on the wider family and communities, aiming to bring change and stability to the most disadvantaged people who are typically in the greatest need.
In order to be fully responsive to the interests of our community, and better understand the challenges it faces, TCA proactively consults and works in partnership with its service users, families, groups and Taysides local authorities. This ensures that services are developed in response to the real-life experiences of our communities rather than our perception of their problems.