For Christmas this year, Tato wants to put on his speediest running feet, and raise some money for a very important cause. His brother Ollie is playing the part of “Santa Paws”, and thanks to our kind followers, he will be delivering over a thousand gifts to the National Animal Welfare Trust Berkshire.
But this year, this wonderful charity has experienced tough financial challenges. Especially with several of the animals under their care requiring complex veterinary care, as well as major flood damage to the site with yet more floods predicted for next year. They are currently fundraising to “Keep the lights on” so that all of their centres have energy & heating as bills continue to rise.
So to encourage everybody to donate or share this story, Tato (with his mum!) will be taking part in a winter canicross race dressed as Santa’s elf! Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We have witnessed firsthand what wonderful care everybody at NAWT takes of their animals. They truly deserve the best Christmas ever!
To follow along, make sure you are following us at @good.boy.tato and @good.boy.ollie on Instagram!