Since lockdown we have changed what we do. We felt that music must be for everyone so we have been striving to create the most accessible music groups in the city. We listened to our students and began teaching the classes they wanted to take part in.
The opportunity placed in front of them is incredible and his confidence, love of music and his sheer enjoyment of the whole experience has just grown and grown. Parents of Alex
The TRACKS project is our way of listening to our students and creating connections with them to help them achieve want they want to achieve. As well as our Saturday morning sessions, we create live shows in some of the cities finest venues, like The Leadmill and Yellowarch Studios and perform at festivals and local events. We also mentor young people not in education or employment to help them find an outlet and a place to build connections.
Your support ensures our young students fulfil their potential and keep the city's music scene alive and thriving for years to come.
"It’s a space, a group, a family of likeminded musicians and artists that are striving for growth in music and as people." Harris pictured above