Talk to SAL is a new service that has been designed to support Young People within the Stoke on Trent area.
This new confidential service provides a range of online support, advice and an anonymous live chat service.
S.A.L offers information on coping & resillience as well as additional pratical support, signposting, resources and more.
S.A.L is an online safe space where Young people can Talk about healthy relationships, consent, staying safe online, peer pressure, gender identity, sexuality or anything that may be worrying them.
We are trying to raise £5,000 to help with the growth and development of the service during it's launch and first 6 months. Money raised through this fundraiser will go directly to supporting the training and recruitment of new practioners.
If you require support, advice or would like to talk to someone S.A.L anonymous Live Chat is available Tuesdays 7-10pm & Thursdays 5-8pm.